Bouquet of Sparrows
"Bouquet of Sparrows" is a resurrection theme that I use often. You will see some "old junk" that gets a new life, and in this case, it's a broken violin that becomes home to a family of sparrows. Its fun to think of how that all happened at the base of tree.
I've become very interested in "flourishes"
and have started to use these in my
drawing series. This was the first piece
to showcase that embellishment.
“After death something new begins,
over which all powers of the world of
death have no more might.”
-- Dietrich Banhoeffer
Andrea Boff ©2024
"Bouquet of Sparrows" is a resurrection theme that I use often. You will see some "old junk" that gets a new life, and in this case, it's a broken violin that becomes home to a family of sparrows. Its fun to think of how that all happened at the base of tree.
I've become very interested in "flourishes"
and have started to use these in my
drawing series. This was the first piece
to showcase that embellishment.
“After death something new begins,
over which all powers of the world of
death have no more might.”
-- Dietrich Banhoeffer
Andrea Boff ©2024